Wednesday 5 September 2018



Oh dear... this is not good... I seem to have gone a little bit wobbly of mind as I've headed home...

Ah... I was just nibbled by the Despair Squid... It's one of those days where going to bed for a week and quietly weeping seems like the preferable option...

I wish I was brave enough to walk away and try something else, but I have no Plan B, unfortunately...

Some days, Holmes unravels like one of my mother's knitted cardigans catching on a rusty nail...

Some days.

I've been known to paint, although not so far this year (I seem to paint most in years ending in a seven for some reason) - this was a selection from last year...

I've not painted this year because I've been desperately trying (and often failing) to keep the Despair Squid at bay, and that, coupled with a lack of inspiration about what exactly to paint, has kept the blank canvases, brushes and tubes upstairs in their boxes.

If I thought I could make a living through my writing, chatting about old TV, writing doggerel, and doing the odd painting, then I'd walk out like a shot. Unfortunately the general air of disinterest in me doing any of those things makes it terribly unlikely.

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