Wednesday 30 July 2014


Or is it, as suggested in the case of that most notorious Norwegian Blue parrot, merely "resting"…?

Or not, obviously.

It's so hard for me to tell at the moment with the small things of life being in such a state of flux. After all, August will mean a massive leap into the unknown for a chum of mine who is emigrating to a place nearly half a world away along with his entire family and that is, of course, far more entertaining than anything else I could find to talk to you about.

Or not, obviously.

All that I have planned, amidst the usual drudgery, is that I suddenly have an unexpected "event" to attend one day in a couple of weeks which might prove interesting enough to share, but equally, at the time of writing, might turn out not to be.

And so we drift lazily towards the end of July, a month in which this blog, to all intents and purposes, "ceased to be…"

Towards the end of June, things got very difficult inside my head, and I found myself in a very dark place, and sitting here, writing endlessly dreary prose about nothing in particular, suddenly seemed like the most pointless thing in the world, especially as we lurked upon the very brink of July, a month during which a paradigm shift in my own position in life was due to occur whether I liked it or not, and I had a couple of short breaks already booked which would inevitably drag me away from the keyboard anyway.

The relaxation that those breaks themselves managed to create in me finally showed me quite how unwell I had become in recent months, what with all of the angst and the woe, and the simply not taking the time to have a proper rest and recuperate from all of the traumas of last year. Sometimes it's only when you sit up and realise just how peculiar you'd become that you get to see the causes of that peculiarity for what they are and realise that you can actually do something about them.

Or not, obviously.

Meanwhile, my endless daily wittering on and on about nothing in particular had become little more than a stick to beat myself with, coupled with a strangely obsessive need to just keep on doing it because I already was, if that doesn't sound too peculiar…? Sometimes the realisation that I had nothing to say still wouldn't prevent me from really needing to say it anyway, and that can lead to a whole load of old nonsense and a certain amount of bitterness and disappointment all around.

Or not, obviously.

Meanwhile, the clock has continued to turn and I have slipped almost unnoticed into my sixth decade which, in and of itself, doesn't feel all that different to the last one, if truth be told. It's not the numbers that bother me (or, as a wise old adventurer once said "It's not the years, it's the mileage…") but the realisation of all that time wasted, and all of those things not done, regrets not addressed, and, perhaps, how little time may remain in which to deal with any of them.

The clock is ticking… and I've rarely heard those clicks so clearly.

So, this remains a period in which to reflect and consider and wonder about the mysteries of life, and, as to whether this will remain a "dead blog" or whether I choose to keep on churning out those strange observations and reflections from time-to-time remains to be seen.

Or not, obviously.

Time will tell, as they say.

It usually does.

But just in which manner I choose to waste what's left of mine - whether hereabouts or otherwhere - might yet prove interesting.

Or not, obviously…


  1. I hope it is not dead. Penrhaps an intermittent service would be a good compromise. Or not, obviously.

  2. Ah, I miss (and will miss) you daily witterings, even though I am (and have) considering (considered) taking the same action myself. Or not, obviously.

    1. Obviously. You may yet prove to be the last blogger standing... :-)

  3. AnonymousJuly 31, 2014

    And just when I was thinking of joining the blooging in crowd. Obviously!

    S x

    1. Join, if Martin isn't going to post I need something to read over my first coffee.

  4. In the course of moving half a world away, with D-Day (departure) almost imminent, your blogs currently form the only sanity in my packed up and soon to be AWOL life. As the daily stress threatens to drown out out the gentle screams of panic, Lesser Blogfordshire forms an attachment of home when I have some confusion as to where home currently is, while we fumble our way into a new culture, with out so much as a kettle. Or not.

    I can relate to the time ticking away somewhat louder than before, but there is never really enough time, whatever you chose to do with it, assuming you have some at the end of each day that remains yours to squander as you wish, or not. So I will greatly miss reading your blogs, should they go the way of the Dodo, but I will equally understand, and we can continue via another more traditional, albeit, slower method; once the means to do so are finally reunited with us.

    The future is indeed uncertain, but never has that felt so acute as it does right now... Or not.

  5. I'm sure that Lesser Blogfordshire isn't completely dead, and that a sudden moment of inspiration - or exasperation - will drag me kicking and screaming back to the keyboard. After all, it already has from time to time. Meanwhile, as I've mentioned otherwhere, I'm struggling with energy levels (maybe it's an age thing?) and posting ideas seem to have dried up, but I'm hoping that being "on hiatus" might just get the creative juices flowing again...
