Wednesday 9 April 2014


Manchester catching the sunlight on a Tuesday morning in early April, 2014…

Another bloody morning and another trip over the hills on the daily commute. I'd already dropped the Beloved off at the station and stopped at my paper shop of choice and picked up a brand spanking new copy of the Radio Times and, as I got back into the car, I noticed that it appeared to be getting darker, in that gloomy "gathering storm" kind of a way.

I thought little of it and started the engine, switched on Radio Four, clicked on the headlights and headed off on my way.

As I rounded the bend at the top of the hill, there in front of me was a most glorious sight as, beyond the storm clouds, in front of me the city was just catching the sunlight and was sitting there, sparkling and dazzling as the darkness brewed above it.

I thought about it for a good ten seconds before hitting the brakes, pulling over to the side of the road and grabbing my tiny little camera out of the boot to try, in my usual inept and haphazard way, to capture the moment.

Because, sometimes in life, you just have to stop the car.

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