Tuesday 17 December 2013


"Sometimes the most important thing is to just cross the finishing line."

Well, that was the mantra which got me through one particular long dark night recently at any rate.

I do struggle to sleep but, for some reason, at about 2.30 in the morning on night recently, that little phrase came to me and stuck and, by repeating it to myself I was able to doze off until I woke up again, scrabble about in my mind and reach for it once more, and repeat it until I dozed off, woke up and repeated the cycle… and so a long night passed and I didn't actually get up until far later than I might otherwise have done.

The next night, of course, I couldn't for the life of me remember what the phrase was which had been so helpful on the previous night, and I fretted and grumbled and lay awake trying to think of it, not remembering that I had written it down in the morning precisely because I knew that I'd otherwise forget it.

Although I didn't want to get up and track it down on the hard drive, because that would have woken me up properly and rather defeated the object… although, lying there trying to think of it did mean that, to all intents and purposes, I was "properly" awake anyway, but I do like to try and convince myself otherwise…

Insomnia, eh…?

What a swine it is...

And, when it persists, it can't half transform you into a grumpy old sod, although, as has been pointed out on numerous occasions, with me, how would anyone know...?

I don't think that I'm in the most seasonal frame of mind this year and because nobody wants to be the Grinch at the party, and because I know that people want even less to have to actually listen to the Grinch at the party, I think that I'm going to sign off for the year now, not least because the inspiration remains absent, but also because, with yesterday's post, we actually reached the 365th entry for the year and so my compulsion to keep these efforts as a daily phenomenon has, at least, been achieved... for this year at least.

"Whoop", as they say, "dee doo..."

So, unless there's the occasional spark of an idea which pops into my head during the remainder of the year, one that I feel that I just have to share with you, my loyal reader...

See you next year.


  1. I'll keep checking in case you have a spark of inspiration. Have a good Chrimbletide.
