Tuesday 30 October 2012


I came home midweek to find that, whilst it wasn’t entirely unexpected that it would eventually be, the front of the house had, very suddenly and without warning, been clad in scaffolding which persuaded me that perhaps some kind of a start had been made on our tiny bit of building work.

I’m not entirely sure, however, because I’ve not actually seen the place in daylight since, so it’s really hard to tell, what with all of the angles and darkness and all, whether the tree that was growing out of the roof is still there, or whether I just have a fancy sculpture standing next to the front of my home that seems designed merely to “bother” the neighbours as they pass along.

It’s a bit odd really. Having given the okay for the work to proceed, we still kind of expected to actually hear something before everything got started so that we might be able to knock on a few doors and what have you in order to let people know what was about to be going on, but no…

Instead, it just suddenly appeared as if the “scaffolding pixies” had dropped by to leave us a gift, and there it remains lurking next to the front of the house in anticipation of “something” although it doesn’t quite give the impression that anyone knows quite what the “something” is as yet.

I do, however, suspect that it’s going to be something expensive…

Still, it’s not as if anyone can really complain (although I’m sure they might), after all there’s still more than enough room for them all to get by just as long as they’re not trying to deliver a grand piano or something. (Pauses as he spots the van from the grand piano company pulling up outside…)

I was a little concerned that one of the bracing struts did seem to have been set in next door’s garden, and I did try knocking on her door to explain just as soon as we got home and saw this steel spider’s web had been erected, but she appeared to be out that evening and I haven’t seen any sign of her since.

I did, of course, mention to her that we “might be having a little work done” when she tracked me down a few weeks ago to tell me that she would be “having a little work done” to her own house a few weeks ago, so it’ll probably be all right… (Pauses to ponder upon the possibility that ALL of the houses in the row are crumbling…)

Anyway, I suppose the rational, reasonable argument goes something along the lines of it being safer to have the scaffolding set up and struggle through a little bit of inconvenience for a couple of weeks rather than have a bloody great lump of stone fall off the house and squash someone, although, on occasions in the past, “rational” and “reasonable” have not been the first words that sprang to mind with certain people in the neighbourhood.

Happily, our immediate neighbours are just about as perfect a you could hope for and, if the weather doesn’t get too grim, and the discoveries that are made whenever somebody does climb that scaffolding tower to investigate aren’t too horrendous, perhaps the imposition won’t be too long-lasting…?


Fingers crossed, eh…?

Otherwise I might need some scaffolding to hold me up…

1 comment:

  1. Ah, scaffolding. What used to be done with a couple of ladders is now a Health and Safely driven multi-million pound business. Scaffolding used to be for building not a bit of chimney re-pointing or a re-slate of a roof.

    Either builders have gone yellow or the money is too good a chance to miss.
