Saturday 20 October 2012


Okay, I patently haven’t “Gone Fishin’” at all (it really isn’t my sort of “thing”) but I am kind of envious of those who do because it seems a pretty relaxing way to spend your time and really does seem to help people to be “at one” with nature, at least for a while.

It seems that a lot of dads use fishing as a way to “bond” with their children, to spend some “quality time” together, although, obviously, mine never did, what with him not actually being a fisherman.

Otherwise I might know how to fish, and I might have learned some insight into how to actually relax.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he’ll go fishing, leaving the rest of his family will get some peace and quiet whilst constantly wondering about what the hell he’s up to when there are washers on the taps that need fixing, holes in the plasterwork that need filling, and jolly good talking tos which need attending to...

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