Tuesday 20 November 2018


I said online that I may write up our "lyrics" to "Murder, She Wrote" (the ones we sing along to at home whenever an episode comes on because... well, we do that sort of thing...) later if I got round to it, so here they are (although I suspect that the world might tremble at the prospect of me crooning through it for a future RTA, however).

To be honest, a lot of this is dredged up from memory and the vague inconsistencies of different thoughts on different evenings, but this is the general version which may not match up with any mix of the opening titles that you've ever seen or heard.

My indistinguishable mutterings about the pilot episode of "Murder, She Wrote" can be heard at (amongst other places) https://soundcloud.com/user-868590968/rta028-episode-28 if you like, and the article itself lives right here 

Incidentally... You may possibly gather by the following that we use the "say what you see" method for theme tune lyric-composition (which is also the reason why the "lyrics" to BBC Springwatch end with "...and a little fluffy OOOWWWLLLL...!" - well, they do in our living room, anyway...)

(See also "On the telly now, it's Poirot, it's Poirot..." etc., etc.)


It’s time for murder
In “Murder, She Wrote”

Jessica’s going to solve the crime
She does it every time

And now she’s typing
Then typing some more

Taking a jog along the coast
She’s waving from the shore

There’s loads more waving
Then a fake gun bangs -

Jessica’s going to solve the crime
She does it every time

But things get darker…!
By torchlight searching –

Looking for clues in dark places
She gets pushed down the stairs

But she’s still typing
And typing yet more

Jessica’s going to solve the crime
She does it every time

Her book’s all bound in red leather
It’s time for “Murder, She Wrote”

MAWH, Oct/Nov 2018

(Since publication, a terrifying rendition of this alleged "song" may now be heard in the opening moments of "Round The Archives" episode 29... don't say you weren't warned...!

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