Thursday 14 December 2017


If anybody wants to work up the music for this (I’m thinking a Leonard Cohen/Tom Waits vibe) we might decide to enter it for Eurovision ;-)

(This, by the way, is how you end up with “Dalek Invasion of Earth, the Musical” or a full concept album)


It is forbidden (forbidden)
To dump bodies
Into the river (the river)

It might be a river (the river)
It looks like
Moving water to me
Radiation nil (Oxygen normal)

Pressure normal
It’s an Earth reading
We might be
Somewhere in London (the river)

It is forbidden (forbidden)
To dump bodies
Into the river (the river)

It's uncanny
The word I was looking for
Was decay
It's most odd (Most odd)

I wouldn't spoil your
Homecoming for all the world
Pretty deserted
Probably Sunday

It is forbidden (forbidden)
To dump bodies
Into the river (the river)

Look at all this neglect
All over the place
It's been abandoned
(All of it)

There's always a mess
With construction (construction)
There's not a sign of any
People anywhere

It is forbidden (forbidden)
To dump bodies
Into the river (the river)

Be careful, my child
The ship!
Don't go too near, my boy
(It’s not safe)

The whole bridge has collapsed
It's all crumbling
We're going to need help
To shift this

It is forbidden (forbidden)
To dump bodies
Into the river (the river)

Here we are
Standing by the Thames
We've been here quite a while
(How long?)

Quarter of an hour
Twenty minutes?
What have we heard?
Nothing (Precisely nothing)

It is forbidden (forbidden)
To dump bodies
Into the river (the river)

No sound of birdsong
No voices - No sound of shipping
Not even the chimes
Of old Big Ben (Uncanny)

What you need is
A jolly good smacked bottom
I'll go and wet my handkerchief
In the river (the river)

It is forbidden (forbidden)
To dump bodies
Into the river (the river)

It is forbidden (forbidden)
To dump bodies
Into the river (the river)

MAWH, December 2017

(Adapted from an original script by Terry Nation)

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