Friday 12 July 2013




Yes there was a gap in the mighty unfolding saga that make up our little tales of life in Lesser Blogfordshire yesterday, but...

Well... to be perfectly honest with you, I'm rather surprised that anyone actually noticed, (although it's a bit of an assumption that you did), but there you go.

There were various reasons of course, not least that there was a bit of a crisis of confidence going on right next to me in my home which needed talking through during a very, very early part of the day, a time at which I might normally be concocting one or other of these pieces of nonsense.

The fact that I hadn't actually planned to be writing that day is kind of irrelevant, but I had got it into my head that I might have a try at having one of my rare attempts of sleeping in a little which only goes to show that the best laid plans of rodents and rat-faced individuals have a habit of not quite working out as you might hope or expect.

But then, well it's been an odd few days from the point of view of planning, so the fact that my planned break from doing this writing lark seems to be not quite working out as planned either should probably come as no real surprise to me.

Work's been very complicated and frustrating in a way that I'm not going to dwell upon here, not least because it would be most unprofessional of me to do so. Let's just say that we've had an odd couple of days where our plans to work on certain things have not worked out quite as expected due to various distractions and problems which have required rather more of our attention than we would have preferred.

There's been a gap between our goals and our achievements...

Then there's also been the start of the Ashes series which, I think I'd be right in accepting, hasn't really gone as anyone planned over the course of the first three days anyway. My own plans to while away as many hours as possible tuning in to it haven't quite worked out as I'd hoped either, but I have at least managed to keep half an ear upon proceedings in amongst the chaos in my life, which was almost as chaotic as England's plans for getting out 19-year-old debutant Ashton Agar when Australia were 117-9.

He, of course, had other plans...

Also, after settling into a routine of hospital visiting over the past... oh... forever, that routine has now been shaken up by the fact that (Ta-dah!!) as of this very afternoon, my mother is no longer on a hospital ward but is now living within the mysterious confines of "intermediate care..." about which, I will no doubt be describing more to you over the coming days, if everything goes to plan.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves.

The last two installments of Hospital Updates have yet to be released upon an eager and expectant world so, as you can see, even that little plan has come to naught...

I'm sorry... This has turned into a bit of a nothing of a piece, when I didn't really plan upon it being. Still, very few people ever read my "evening" posts, so I think that it's safe enough not to ruin whatever reputation I don't have. After all, great things are afoot, and icons like Alan Whicker and Anna Wing (not a good week for the AWs...) have shuffled off this mortal coil, and presumably they didn't plan upon doing that, either.

More soon... (I expect...?)

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