Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Oh, I had such great plans for December. Such wild possibilities to make this dark corner a light and fluffy place to spend these icy December days. I won’t spoil it for you, some of this may yet come to pass and I wouldn’t want to completely ruin the surprise, and, as you all know, hyping things up in advance only leads to disappointment.

Sunday morning found me poised over the keyboard ready to start working on the bare bones of these delights.

New month, new approach.

Then the phone rang. 7.20 A.M. Sunday morning. This is never a good thing in my experience. Ironically, I was up and about (did I mention the insomnia – and the cricket?) so I picked up fairly quickly and a small crisis on the world scale, but nevertheless something of a bomb in my life exploded.

Ultimately the events of the following 24 hours of brain-mashing occurrences means that my plans have had to falter. I’m not yet in a position to share all the details and the consequences are yet to play out, but suffice it to say that there is an unexpected family illness to tackle which is requiring much to-ing and fro-ing from our not-very-local NHS facility and a certain amount of stress, worry and general brain-mashing insomnia.

Now, of course, I wake up and find unexpectedly early snowfalls have arrived to complicate that very to-ing and fro-ing, possibly quite severely, and even the broadband connection is choosing to throw a wobbly since yesterday’s sudden power outages. Not in itself the hugest of problems, but another little addition to the complexities of the situation when I may have to upload or download work later on.

Sadly, I just feel utterly out of my depth this morning.

I even thought the central heating boiler had decided to throw in the towel overnight when it wasn’t on this morning, but my brain is so away with the fairies I simply forgot that I’d set it back on the timer.

So, something’s got to give, and that means that, for the moment, our strange little relationship is going to have to pause, hopefully just for a short while.

I’m sure you understand, you’re all very fabulous people.

Ah! Loyal citizens of Lesser Blogfordshire! What a tale I planned to weave! Sadly my interconnected narrative telling a fantastic tale involving a number of the fictionalised citizens of this humble community has now turned to dust. Part one did get completed and because I tend to do these things a couple of days in advance (You see? I even have to organise my “fun”…) I will share that with you tomorrow, but after that we might be in limbo for a little while.

After you’ve read it, you might well think you’ve had a lucky escape, but luckily we don’t have to worry about what the critics think here in our warm and cosy world of Bloggery.

Stay tuned!

I shall return…


  1. I'm intrigued about what you have in store for us.
    Good luck with the family illness.

  2. Sorry to hear about the crisis, hope all well soon.

  3. Thanks very much for the kind comments. It all helps!
    Mum's basically had a minor stroke and because she lives alone, and I'm the only relative within easy travelling distance, things are likely to get more complicated before they get any easier, so thing's like blogging suddenly aren't going to quite as big a priority for a while.

  4. Sorry to hear this Martin. Keep the home fires burning and come back soon.
