The unchanging old guard at Westminster Palace
The country's in uproar because of that Boris
Except for the readers of Daily Express
"Who keep saying I'm a roaring success"
Says Boris
The unchanging old guard at Westminster Palace
All of their headlines are written by Boris
Boris has had his incompetence starred
"A Prime Minister's life is terribly hard"
Says Boris
The unchanging old guard at Westminster Palace
Another big scandal involving that Boris
They still think he's great for acting the fool
"Underestimation is such a great tool"
Says Boris
The unchanging old guard at Westminster Palace
Even his own side don't think much of Boris
"I gave them big parties despite all the rules"
"Back then they all acted like they'd won the pools"
Says Boris
The unchanging old guard at Westminster Palace
Everything 'bout him is total artifice
"Alexander Boris dePfeffer Johnson's the name"
"But playing the ordinary Joes is this game"
Says Boris
The unchanging old guard at Westminster Palace
Lining his pockets and lying to your face
"It really doesn't matter how often I've lied"
"I really don't care how many have died"
Says Boris