Monday 9 April 2012


Just a brief bit of nonsense today because the thought attached to these words was a very simple one that needed little embellishment, although, as this is only the first paragraph, I may come to regret that sort of “up-front” boldness and certainty…

I was out driving a few nights ago, heading out for the evening (yes, I know…) heading towards the brilliant orange of the setting sun when I spotted the most beautiful full moon rising in my rear-view mirror…

Sorry, I’ve just read that last paragraph back with my “innuendo glasses” on…

I may have to start all over again.

The full moon was suspended in the sky over the mountains which were still glinting with snow after our sudden, unexpected early-April cold snap. Naturally, because I was heading out to attend something “social” I didn’t have my camera with me (I’m not that kind of networker…) and so another one got away…

Anyway, whilst it was a beautiful sight, it made me realise that it is already a whole month since I was trying very hard (and not terribly successfully) to get a decent photograph of the full moon as it was over the skyline of south San Franscisco when I opened the curtains of the hotel in the morning during which we were due to fly home.

A whole month and I’ve barely told you anything about it at all and yet the memories are already starting to fade as the day-to-day routine of my ordinary life shuffles my braincells around.

One whole lunar cycle and the world has continued to turn and turn again and moved on with so many of my tales untold.

Anyway, this is the moon as it was a month ago, hanging in the sky on that slightly forlorn morning, speaking as it does of holidays over, lives heading back to normal, and happy days being consigned to history.

The moon as I saw it over my home town the other night was a thing of beauty and something that should have made me feel blissfully happy, but that sense of loss is what also made it make me feel sad at the same time.

“Into each life some rain must fall...”, “Every silver lining has a cloud...”, “Sadness is happy for deep people…”

“Happiness tinged with a hint of sadness...” It could be that we’re getting closer to finally discovering what life in Lesser Blogfordshire is all about.

Well, if you generally ignore the “happiness” part…


  1. "You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star."

    1. Serpently plenty of chaos hereabouts... as to the dancing stars, well, unless they are on the kind of Saturday night TV I refuse to have any truck with, the clouds are currently hiding them... :-(

    2. Oh and nice quote too, by the way. It too shall go on the list...

  2. Yes, it's not really the weather for star-gazing (or much else!) On the subject of quotes, I recently came across this from Seneca:

    'What need is there to weep over parts of life? The whole of it calls for tears.'

    Which might seem terribly pessimistic, but there's also something comforting about it, no?

    1. Absolutely...!

      (I should have replied to that yesterday but I'm having a few software issues on certain computers which make "publishing" fine but "replying" a bit "tricky..." I suspect that this may have something to do with Blogger's threatened impending "upgrade". Can't abide upgrades...)

  3. I could join in... but I won't. Regrets, I've had a few, but then again so many I haven't time to recount them before shuffling off this mortal.
